
Real time updates

Always current data with daily refreshes

A real time feed of every action taken by your competitor. Filter by brand, add tags and share them with your team.


Explore with Powerful Time Machine

A photo album view of every brand

Research when, what and who your competitors are targeting and unlock their marketing strategy.


Analyse Trends

A birds eye view of everyone's effort

Get context around what your competitors are focused on over the past week, past month and more.


Be the know it all

Spy under the hood

Take a peek under the hood and see SEO Optimisations, Header and Link Optimisations and AB Test activity.

Exploit these insights to learn and differentiate your own offering. 

Daily Email Alerts

Need insights on the go? No problem, we'll email it to you a daily digest.

Accurate Categorisation

We use a combiation of algorithmic and human tagging to accurately categorise every change

User Friendly

Beautifully user-friendly, you'll be an expert in minutes.

Simple Insight Sharing

Competeshark provides a simple way to share insights quickly and easily with team, your boss and your stakeholders

Explore More Features

  • Before After

    Want to see before and after change? Simply slide LEFT RIGHT to see pixel level changes.

  • Trend Analysis

    So simple to see who is dialling it up and who has gone quiet.

    Trend Analysis
  • Easy Tagging and Sharing

    We tag your content, but its also just as easy to add your custom tags.

    Add Tag

    Sharing insights is as easy as clicking and copying a sharable link.

    Share URL

“Loving my CompeteShark Daily digest. One of our competitors made a massive change to its pricing model. In the past they weren't competing with us on price, but now they're following the same pattern. Amazing insights we wouldn't otherwise have. Thanks Competeshark!"

Tim Hill



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